About Us

BluNiche UK, headed by market-leading underwriter Ed Mitchell, is a Product Recall specialist underwriter, based near Birmingham, focused only on UK business. Our aim to to bring global Product Recall underwriting expertise to the UK market. 

What is Product Recall insurance?

Product Recall insurance covers financial losses associated with the recall of a product due to it being defective. Product Recall policies are designed to cover a range of exposures and losses based on the Insured’s industry sector – from Product Contamination coverage for food and beverage businesses to Product Safety and Guarantee coverage for automotive component companies.

Coverage under Product Recall policies extends far beyond the costs of the recall itself, typically also including the cost  to destroy, re-work or replace products as well as offering balance sheet protection through loss of profit, extra expense and third party financial loss. Product Recall policies offer coverage for both first and third party exposures.

BluNiche UK’s Product Recall policies also provide access to expert consultants to help Insureds to both manage their risk and provide crisis response for loss and reputation mitigation in a claim situation.

BluNiche UK Products: Protecting Businesses

BluNiche UK offers the following coverages.

Often, however, an Insured’s risk characteristics will cross over more than one policy’s coverage provisions. BluNiche UK would be pleased to speak with you to develop a bespoke coverage solution for your client(s). 

Product Contamination
Product Contamination Insurance for companies manufacturing, handling, distributing and selling topical and ingestible products. Sectors include food, beverage, restaurants, over the counter pharmaceuticals (OTC), cosmetics, personal hygiene, tobacco and pet food.

Coverage for Accidental and Malicious Contaminations and Product Extortion. These policies include coverage for Government Recall, Adverse Publicity, Packaging Defect and Economic Adulteration, as well as losses covered such as recall, replacement and destruction costs; business interruption and rehabilitation expenses; pre- and post-incident crisis management service. There are also coverage extensions available.

Auto Component Recall
Automotive Component Parts Recall Insurance is for Tier One to Tier Four component manufacturers supplying automotive and commercial vehicle OEMs. Coverage for the Insured’s liability for recalls caused by product safety and guarantee (failure to perform as intended) defects.

These policies include liability for recall and replacement costs, including labour expenses, third party financial loss and defence costs. They can also extend to cover first party costs.

Product Defect / Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods Product Recall Insurance for end-product consumer goods manufacturers and distributors. Aimed at the medical devices and consumer goods sectors (outside topical and ingestible products), primarily in the fast-moving consumer goods space.

Coverage for Manufacturing Error, Government Recall, Malicious Tampering and Product Extortion. This includes recall, replacement and destruction costs; business interruption and rehabilitation expenses; pre- and post-incident crisis management service. Coverage can be extended for Product Guarantee trigger and third party financial loss including defence costs.

Product Guarantee and Recall Liability
Product Recall and Guarantee Insurance and A&B Product Recall insurance. Similar to Auto Recall coverage but intended for component parts manufacturers and distributors outside the automotive industry. Aimed at components intended for use in consumer and non-industrial end products.

Coverage for third party liability for recalls caused by product safety and guarantee (failure to perform as intended) defects. Includes liability for recall and replacement costs, including labour expenses, third party financial loss and defence costs. Also extends to cover first party recall costs and can include replacement expenses and business interruption.

Packager’s Protection
First and third party recall insurance that’s designed specifically for companies in the packaging sector who  supply (primarily) into the food and beverage, topical and ingestible and consumer goods industry. Sectors include – but are not limited to – cardboard and plastic packaging materials, caps, pouches, bottles and cans.

Coverage is for first party recall costs and third party liability for recalls caused by the packaging product’s defects, and triggers include Product Safety, Impaired Property, and Government Recall. A Product Guarantee trigger is also available. This coverage can be extended to provide a sub-limit for Manufacturers Coverage for first party recall costs and third party liability for recalls caused by the packaging product’s defects. This includes Product Safety, Impaired Property, Government Recall triggers. A Product Guarantee trigger coverage option is also available. Coverage can be extended to provide a sub-limit for Manufacturers E&O.

Product Recall & Crisis Management

Product Recall and Crisis Consulting services are a key element of Product Recall Insurance coverages. At BluNiche UK many of our policies include both pre- and post-incident Recall and Crisis Management services through  RQA Group. RQA is a leading, global Product Recall consultancy covering multiple industry sectors.

Under a BluNiche UK Policy, RQA’s services are made available in two ways:

Risk Engineering
RQA can help your clients with risk management advice relating to product safety and product recalls. This includes helping Insureds prepare for a Product Recall event from advising on recall and crisis plans to running crisis training sessions – all with the aim of equipping the Insured in advance with the tools to deal with a recall situation.

Crisis Response
In the event that you do have a problem RQA are contactable via a dedicated BluNiche UK hotline, open 24/7 and 365 days per year. RQA will be available to help you through the necessary steps involved in seeking resolution to the incident, from dealing with the regulator and customers to managing a recall and any reputation management strategies. Through RQA’s network they can bring into play multiple resources from lab testing facilities to call centres and PR experts.

What Makes BluNiche UK Different?

As the only pure-play regional Product Recall underwriter we bring a unique approach to companies in the UK looking for coverage through our direct model and our 100% focus on UK Product Recall business only. 

From our office near Birmingham, we are set up to support independent regional brokers as well as network and national brokers. As an underwriter that can be accessed directly we are available to help brokers and clients better understand how coverage works to help ensure the correct coverage. 

From our 25+ years of experience we know that one size doesn’t always fit all and, as such, we can offer bespoke coverage solutions alongside our full suite of coverages where it makes the most sense. 

With A-Rated company market capacity of GBP5m, our experience-led underwriting apporach reflects not only the drivers in buyers’decisions, but directly addresses the coverage requirements of UK companies including those with worldwide sales. 

Our partners

Committed to bringing a fresh, new approach to Product Recall we’re backed by our parent company NuVenture International – part of the Xceedance group of companies (an award-winning global insurance consulting, a provider of strategic operations support, technology and data services, and an insurtech company).

BluNiche Risk Services Ltd is an appointed representative of D A Strategy Ltd  (D A Strategy) Company Registration Number 09866002, located at 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7BB. D A Strategy is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and listed on the Financial Register under number 927590.

Our capacity is provided exclusively by A+ (S&P) rated Chaucer Insurance Company DAC (Chaucer). Chaucer is authorised by the Prudentual Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority under Financial Register number 783383.

The above details can be checked on teh Financial Services Register here: https://register.fca.org.uk/ 

Get in Touch

If you would like to find out more about how BluNiche UK can help you and your clients, please get in touch via our Contact page.